Don't drop a coin in the slot, or you'll stop a whole roadway.

Well that seems dumb. Ever hear of induction?

Oh yea a little winter salt should do wonders for that system. Add the occasional bit of road debris metallic or not and you have the makings for quite a show. The AGW religion makes people and governments do strange things.

Here is another "Brilliant" AGW approved breakthrough.


"Slot cars" did NOT get electricity thru a rod dropping into a slot. The slot was only used as a physical guide. They got it thru contact brushes riding on electric "rails" built into the track on either side of the guide slot. Ground on one side, voltage on the other...

"The slot was only used as a physical guide."

There's two systems. One has thin rails separated on either side of the slot in the plastic track, and the other one has two thick rails in the middle with a gap in between for the guide pin.

The former is used for small slot cars because the rails are spaced apart just so they would meet with the magnets in the motor of the car and so the car keeps pulling itself to the road.

The latter is for larger slot cars that have enough mass and traction to keep to the road without. The smaller cars just keep flying off without the magnets.

This is one of several Swedish test projects, so I can add some context.
As the article notes, only a car dropping a power feed arm is able to draw power, so - if the system works - there is no problem with short circuits. Like the other systems the power draw is when able in battery cars, so when the truck needs to turn it can. (The test road is AFAIK one way to the airport, so this will likely only happen for emergency stops.) Truck guidance will be automated, and AFAIK one goal is to mix it in with the upcoming truck caravans with - again voluntary - passive followers.

Another project is akin to the one link that reports on a n overhead feed wire, similar to electric trains. It has been ongoing close to where I grew up, and it looks to work well. I do not think that project can charge vehicles individually tho'.

I think there was an induction project; it did not work.

@MR166: What is your evidence that the AGW process is 'religion'?

AGW was discovered and initially accepted by climate scientists, later by the global society [ https://en.wikipe...greement ]. Last I heard, if we do not go carbon neutral by 2050ish it will cost much more in damages - several % of GDP - than it costs now to do it. Which cost has increased by us dragging the feet ....

Let us stop that, facts are facts even if, especially *if*, they hurt, before hundred of millions need to relocate and the equatorial regions become deadly [!] for humans. Yes, that is what is the prognosis now, starting from something that now we can check on an Excel sheet at 3 sigma simply by statistical correlation since the global temperature change signal has become so strong.

In bradford they used to have electric trolly buses, worked perfectly so they dismantled them.

What happened to my ignore list? I see all the dumb asses on this article.

Most cities have defined bus stops. Perhaps they could include overhead chargers that could recharge the buses batteries as people exit and enter the bus. The stops could be located near light poles so that existing wiring could be used. The cost of this type of project should be reasonable.